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There are a few requirements needed in order to use mithril-shell:

  • The nix package manager with nix flakes enabled. This nix installer is recommended.
  • The latest release version of hyprland.
  • Home-manager is required to install & configure mithril-shell. This project targets the NixOS unstable and latest NixOS stable channel.


Home-manager officially only targets NixOS, but it is known to work on many other linux distros and supports standalone installation.

standalone installation guide

Optional dependencies

By default mithril-shell will open SwayNotificationCenter as its notification center. This is temporary behaviour until a native notification center is implemented (#8).

To correctly display the battery percentage the upower package is needed.

If your home-manager setup uses stylix, integration with it is automatically enabled. This behaviour can be disabled.


After creating your initial flake or using your pre-existing flake, add the following line to your flake.nix's inputs section:

mithril-shell.url = "github:andreashgk/mithril-shell";

Add the mithril-shell.homeManagerModules.default module to the imports if your home configuration. You can then set the following options:

services.mithril-shell.enable = true;
# Enable this if you want the bar to configure the necessary hyprland settings
# for you. Without this the bar will not automatically start on launch.
services.mithril-shell.integrations.hyprland.enable = true;


The integrations.hyprland.enable option should only be set to true if you configure hyprland through home-manager, as your configuration may otherwise fail to apply or even overwrite your existing hyprland configuration.

Your final nix flake may look something like this if you started out with one of the home-manager templates:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    home-manager = {
      url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
    mithril-shell.url = "github:andreashgk/mithril-shell";

  outputs = { nixpkgs, home-manager, mithril-shell, ... }:
      # Can also be "aarch64-linux", for example if you are on asahi linux.
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
    in {
      # Replace 'jdoe' with your linux user's name.
      homeConfigurations.jdoe = home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
        inherit pkgs;

        modules = [
            services.mithril-shell.enable = true;
            services.mithril-shell.integrations.hyprland.enable = true;

Applying your configuration

To build and apply your configuration you will need to run one of the following two commands depending on how you installed home-manager:

# If you use home-manager as a standalone program:
home-manager switch

# If you use home-manager as a nixos module:
nixos-rebuild switch

To see any changes made to mithril-shell without rebooting you can run the following command:

# Do not run this with sudo!
systemctl --user restart mithril-shell